Ami Rojkes Dombe

Sensitive cyber capabilities with the potential for malicious use should not be entrusted to a rogue government that undermines the foundations of democracy” said the reservists in an official message

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

The DS-SAR was acquired in 2018, meaning that its development process lasted about five years

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

In 2014, the United States blocked a major sale of Rafael's air defense system to Poland. Now, the systems Poland ended up procuring are already undergoing a major round of upgrades

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

In Israel, the discussion concerning Egypt’s missile capabilities is silenced

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

Germany is interested in combining the launch capabilities of JFS-M rockets with Naval Srike Missiles (NSM) or Joint Fire Support Missiles (JFS-M)

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

Morocco appears to have selected Tatra Trucks, a Czech vehicle manufacturer, to carry the rocket launchers

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

This is a batch of 16 radars that will be used to detect Russian missiles. The transfer of such radars requires the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Defense

Ami Rojkes Dombe |

Will deliver 3 separate packs of equipment, each containing the components required to instrument 60 trainees | It will be provided over a period of up to 10 years, made up of 5 years in-service support + 5 x 1-year options

Ami Rojkes Dombe |