Amir Rapaport

Mr. Amir Rapaport is the founder and Editor in Chief of IsraelDefense Magazine - an international magazine on Israeli military and defense affairs. He is a former military correspondent and commentator, an author and research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) of Bar-Ilan University.

What we can learn from the Mohammed Deif attempted hit operation, the desolation at Eilat port, and the turbulent tenure of Commissioner Kobi Shabtai

Amir Rapaport |

On the international stage, some want Israel to continue shedding blood in Gaza and Lebanon, while the current attrition war has led to strained relations in the IDF and increased European actions against Israel

Amir Rapaport |

How has the political drama in Washington been affecting the hostage deal and the continuation of the war, and what's the real story behind the delayed armaments

Amir Rapaport |

Increasing preparations for war in Lebanon and Gaza: The IDF has completed the perimeter and practically moved to phase three of the war

Amir Rapaport |

The IDF is an organization, not just an idea. The burnout its troops are experiencing is not its only challenge on the way to a broader conflict in the north

Amir Rapaport |

The flames are intensifying in both Israel’s north and south while the IDF is taking fire from within. The next Chief of Staff is preparing in the wings, and the head of the Shin Bet will not resign before one major move takes place. Another dramatic week of war

Amir Rapaport |

Plus: What’s happening in Rafah, changes in the top ranks of the Shin Bet, and the new squadron that emerged in the Air Force out of nowhere

Amir Rapaport |

The IDF is experiencing a severe shortage of field commanders during the ongoing war in Gaza. And what about the soldiers' mental state?

Amir Rapaport |