Ronen Itzik

Findings emerging from the study: 75% estimate that the current war will lead to the defeat of Hamas in the Gaza Strip

Ronen Itzik |

Israel must proceed in one of two directions: either accelerating or striving to end the operation. As time passes, the situation moves towards the political realm

Ronen Itzik |

A reality in which a terrorist organization can dictate the evacuation of Israeli communities is unacceptable and will lead to a continued erosion of Israeli deterrence and public trust in the defense establishment

Ronen Itzik |

Over the years, the Egyptian army, by turning a blind eye, enabled the building of an underground smuggling route between the Sinai and Gaza

Ronen Itzik |

Various societal and political changes that have taken place over the past two decades have challenged one of Israel’s strongest assets

Ronen Itzik |

Many in recent years have said that we do not need maneuverability (beyond something limited) in certain situations. They thought there was no real existential threat to Israel. It turned out they were wrong

Ronen Itzik |

For the Israeli communities around Gaza, there was no strategic depth to protect them; they live on the border. As more information accumulates about what unfolded in the early hours, stories of horror alongside heroism emerge

Ronen Itzik |

A recent study examined how compulsory national service in the IDF affects the social views of individuals: does he/she become a nationalist extremist, suffering from the intoxication of power, or just the opposite?

Ronen Itzik |