IDF Captures Badr-3 Rockets in Gaza Strip

The rocket's range is 160 km, and some sources indicate it might be 250 km

Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

IDF spokesman reported that during the war in the Gaza Strip, IDF forces raided a PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) post a few days ago and captured long-range Badr 3 rockets.

Badr 3 is a surface-to-surface rocket produced by the al-Quds battalions of the PIJ. The rocket was first produced by Iran, which armed the PIJ with these rockets. The range of the rocket is 160 km, although there are sources indicating that the range of the rocket reaches 250 km. The rocket has a warhead weighing 250 km with explosive armament and an Anti-Personnel spray of 1,400 shrapnel, exploding about 20 meters above the ground.

The Houthis made the first operational use of this rocket in early April 2019 as part of the battles in Yemen. Since May 2019, the PIJ has launched several times Badr 3 rockets into Israeli cities, most of which were intercepted by the "Iron Dome" system. It is not known about the firing of Badr-3 as part of the Swords of Iron War, but as mentioned, the IDF captured a number of such rockets.

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