IRGC Commander Threatens to ‘Destroy’ Israel, US, Saudi Arabia

Gen. Hossein Salami said in a televised speech on Monday that Iran will destroy the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel if they cross Tehran’s red lines. Israeli PM Netanyahu warned Sunday that Iran was planning additional attacks

IRGC Commander Hossein Salami (Photo: AP)

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Hossein Salami threatened to destroy Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States if they cross what he described as Tehran’s red lines.

“We have shown restraint... we have shown patience towards the hostile moves of America, the Zionist regime (Israel) and Saudi Arabia against the Islamic Republic of Iran... but we will destroy them if they cross our red lines,” Salami said in a televised speech on Monday.

The statement comes amid heightened tensions in the region. Last week, the Israeli air force struck dozens of military targets belonging to the IRGC’s Quds Force and the Syrian Armed Forces after four rockets were fired from Syria into northern Israel.

During a tour in the Golan Heights on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Iran was planning additional attacks.

“We are taking all necessary action to prevent Ian’s entrenchment in the region, including the activities needed to thwart deadly weapons transfers from Iran to Syria,” said Netanyahu. “We will work to thwart Iran’s attempt to turn Iraq and Yemen into rocket and missile bases against Israel.”

Netanyahu’s remarks followed those of US Central Command Chief Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, who said on Saturday that Iran was planning new assaults on targets in the region.

“Iran is planning further attacks,” the Israeli PM confirmed. “We will also continue with our plans to thwart this aggression.”

Over the last few months, many Iranian officials warned the US and its allies against further aggression.

IRGC Navy Commander Ali Reza Tangsiri warned early last month that “bitter fate” is in store for any country that encroaches on Iran’s sea border. He also said that the capture of American and British forces who had entered Iran’s territorial waters in the past were only “warnings” to the forces seeking to breach the country’s maritime boundaries.

In September, IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Amirali Hajizadeh said that “everybody should know that all American bases and their aircraft carriers, at a distance of up to 2,000 kilometers around Iran, are within the range of our missiles.”

Also in September, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly that the Gulf region is “on the edge of collapse,” and that “a single blunder can fuel a big fire.”

“We shall not tolerate the provocative intervention of foreigners. We shall respond decisively and strongly to any sort of transgression to and violation of our security and territorial integrity,” warned Rouhani.

In an interview with CNN, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned of “all-out war” in the event of US or Saudi military strikes against his country.


[Sources: Reuters, Haaretz, i24News, Sputnik, CNN, CBS News]

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