Armenia Displays New Loitering Munitions; One Resembling UVision's Hero-30

Armenia presented several models of loitering munitions at the ArmHiTec-2018 exhibition, one of which bears resemblance to the Hero-30 of the Israeli UVision company.

The HREESH ("Monster") suicide drone, a product of the Armenian ProMAQ group, has a range of about 20 km. It weighs 7 kg (lift capacity of 1.6 kg) and can reach a height of one km.

The ProMAQ group was founded in 2016 after the April war in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to, the group comprises several companies that were apparently consolidated by the government to develop and manufacture homegrown UAVs and loitering munitions. Not much else is known about it.

The development process of the HREESH took two years. It is not clear how the Armenian engineers came up with a design that looks very similar to the Hero line of products.


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