Dr. Hayim Iserovich

Since World War II, European leaders have been attempting to establish a common military organization, but these initiatives never materialized. A series of events that took place over the last few years led to a renewed emergence of the notion of a European Army. Are we closer than ever to the establishment of a continental security organization?

Dr. Hayim Iserovich |

The British Royal Navy has an illustrious, centuries-old history, but in the last decade, Britain's command of the sea has failed to remain relevant. Special review

Dr. Hayim Iserovich |

Today, the close defense relations between Israel and the United States appear to be natural and normal – but this was not always the case. Dr. Hayim Iserovich returns to the first arms deal in the 1960s and to the difficulties involved with the American decision to finally authorize the sale of arms to Israel, primarily the game-changing Hawk missile

Dr. Hayim Iserovich |

The links between Central Asia and radical Islamist terrorism started growing stronger following the collapse of the USSR. The young countries that emerged back then are forced to deal with the threat of terrorism and with thousands of youngsters who were brainwashed by radical organizations that had established their bases in neighboring countries

Dr. Hayim Iserovich |