Shin Bet Uncovers a Russian Mine Smuggler Network

These are anti-personnel mines of the MON-50 type, constituting a significant threat to IDF soldiers operating in Jenin and in general in the West Bank

Photo: Israel Police

In a troubling development, the Shin Bet uncovered, in early August of last year, a smuggler network orchestrated by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group in the West Bank. This network succeeded in smuggling Russian-made MON-50 mines. The goal was to transport these mines to Jenin.

In a joint operation involving the Shin Bet, the Israel Police, and the IDF, two Israeli citizens residing in the Tulkarm area were arrested at the beginning of August 2023 for their involvement in smuggling conventional explosives and additional weaponry from the Jordanian border. Another accomplice from the Tulkarm area was also arrested.

The detainees are Samer Farid Anam Kanu, an Israeli citizen residing in the Tulkarm area and a resident of Qalansawe in Israel. Asama Naseem Azzi Charouf, an Israeli citizen and a resident of Aqtaba/Tulkarm, is known for his connections to terror operatives.

On August 3, 2023, Samer Kanu and Asama Charouf were arrested when they were identified as attempting to smuggle explosive devices across the Jordanian border. In their possession, four conventional explosive charges and four firearms were found.

During their interrogation by the Shin Bet and the police, it was revealed that both individuals were recruited for smuggling by terror operatives within the Islamic Jihad organization from the Jenin refugee camp.

Additionally, the investigation unveiled their involvement in transferring combat materials and funds to terror operatives in the Nur al-Shams refugee camp, intended for terror activities. Further information was provided in the investigation regarding another terror activity plan that was exposed by the operatives in Nur al-Shams.

As mentioned, the mines in question are Russian MON-50 mines. These are directional mines that can be placed to cause significant damage to unarmored vehicles or IDF infantry soldiers on foot patrol in the West Bank.

MON is an abbreviation for Minnoye Oskolochonym Napraveniem, which translates to "directional anti-personnel mine," similar to the American M18A1 Claymore mine.

It has foldable legs for support and orientation, but it also has a bottom attachment point for connection to a tree, metal, etc.

According to, "The mine contains 712 grams of RDX (or PVV-5A) for dispersal of around 500 pellets within a lethal range of 50 meters in a 54' arc (dispersion of 45 meters at a 50-meter range).”

The MON-50 is initiated by either a tripwire or a remote control connected by cable."

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