Analysis: Iran Entangles Israel in the Role of “Regional Cop," Driving Economic and Social Erosion

While Israel celebrates tactical military achievements, Iran is shaping regional chaos that forces Jerusalem to expend significant resources on prolonged policing—at the cost of its social and economic resilience

Analysis: Iran Entangles Israel in the Role of “Regional Cop," Driving Economic and Social Erosion

Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

In recent years, Iran has emerged as a key player in the strategy of “disintegrating the region” in the Middle East. While Israel focuses on the military aspects of the struggle, Tehran has recognized that the real battle is not only fought on the battlefield but primarily within the socio-economic fabric.

Actions that may appear as “tactical victories” for Israel against Iran often turn out to be double-edged swords, as the loss of centralized control in neighboring states forces Israel into prolonged “policing” missions. Consequently, Israel gradually finds itself taking on the role of the region's police force—a position that weighs on its economic resilience and threatens to erode its social strength over time.

Weak and Dependent Entities

The Arab Spring, which began over a decade and a half ago, upended the regional order. Libya and Iraq, once strong centralized states, have fragmented into fragile political entities. Syria, after years of civil war, recently saw the fall of the Assad regime but has been left devastated, divided, and without stable central governance. Lebanon, embroiled in perpetual political uncertainty and unable to form a government for years, remains deeply weakened. Despite the blow Hezbollah suffered in its recent confrontation with Israel, it remains the most significant force in the shattered state.

Meanwhile, Israel has taken control of Gaza following a ground operation triggered by the October 7th massacre and continues to govern the West Bank. These dynamics shape a complex security reality, with Israel entangled in numerous fronts and facing the absence of stable governance across its borders.

Israel's military achievements over the past year, including the destruction of the remnants of Assad's army and the weakening of adversaries such as Hezbollah, do not necessarily improve the overall balance of power against Iran. Tehran is not only assessed by its ability to pose a direct threat but also by its success in fragmenting regional states into weak entities dependent on external patronage.

The ring of fire Tehran is constructing—from Iraq, through Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria, to an implied threat against Jordan and Saudi Arabia—is not merely a military framework. It is a deliberate and sophisticated effort to create a chaotic region with no stable centers of control, forcing Israel to allocate enormous resources to maintain relative calm. In this sense, Israel is becoming the Middle East's de facto enforcer—a burden that aligns precisely with Iran’s strategic objectives.

The Cumulative Impact on Living Standards

The economic implications of this new reality are perhaps the most significant. Operating a modern military requires massive resources. As defense expenditures rise, budgets for infrastructure development, education, welfare, and innovation are diminished. In other words, more of Israel’s tax revenues are redirected to addressing ongoing security threats rather than building a robust civilian infrastructure to sustain long-term economic growth.

This is the Achilles’ heel of any Western state: dependence on a high standard of living and economic stability as the foundation of national resilience.

As Israeli society is compelled to sacrifice its welfare for security expenses, internal erosion occurs. The gap between rich and poor may widen, and the middle class—a central pillar of social and economic stability—may shrink. In the long run, reduced investments in education, research and development, transportation infrastructure, and clean energy will hinder Israel’s growth potential.

The cumulative decline in living standards will reshape society, exacerbate internal tensions, and undermine national cohesion. Iran understands that a weakened and divided society, plagued by economic polarization and social instability, is just as vulnerable as a state weakened militarily.

Ongoing Chaos

Politically, Israel may also suffer from the image of a “gatekeeper” for a region unable to stabilize itself. The international community, often reluctantly, will have to rely on Israel as a regional actor capable of imposing some degree of order. However, this role will backfire on Israel—it will cost money, lives, harm its democratic and ethical reputation, and limit its ability to advance peace or groundbreaking trade agreements. Instead of building on a strong economic base and stable regional relations, Israel risks sinking into an unsustainable cost-benefit equation.

In a broader sense, Iran is driving the region into perpetual chaos, where Israel is forced to assume responsibility for “temporary security” that drags on for years. While Israel's military victories may seem tangible, the long-term outlook points to continuous erosion.

There is a strategic lesson to be learned here: Military capabilities alone will not improve security unless they are accompanied by economic, social, and political stability. Iran has identified this vulnerability and is steering the Middle East into a state where Israel is compelled to invest vast resources in addressing endless security challenges, thereby weakening its socio-economic fabric. Thus, while Israel celebrates military achievements, Iran—through indirect, cunning, and persistent actions—is steadily pushing Israel toward a dangerous socio-economic abyss.

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