Pentagon Awards Boeing 7.5 Billion JDAM Deal

Funding will be sourced from various channels, including Navy and foreign military sales funds

Pentagon Awards Boeing 7.5 Billion JDAM Deal

Photo: Senior Airman Koby Saunders - US Air Force

Boeing Defense, Space & Security was awarded a 7.5-billion-dollar contract to provide the US with Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits, spares, repairs, and technical and laser sensor kits.

The US Department of Defense announced this deal and mentioned that work is expected to be completed by Feb. 29, 2030. Funding will be sourced from various channels, including Navy and foreign military sales funds.

JDAM are guidance kits that convert unguided bombs (“dumb” bombs), into precision-guided munitions.  The kits range from 500 to 2000 pounds and include navigation and guidance control systems that enable the bomb to be steered towards its target, regardless of the weather conditions. 

In March, U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Charles Q. Brown stated that before the U.S. approves the supply of weapon systems to allies, even very close ones, it must thoroughly check the status of ammunition stockpiles and consider how to preserve reserves needed for maintaining readiness.

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